Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hello Again

I am looking back at the older posts and thought I could comment. I do not have any pictures to post today. I started some paintings as mentioned in this post. As you may or may not know I seem to be somewhat of a pop culture junkie. I came to the conclusion one day that I could get more drama into my paintings by using scenes from other venues. These are a product of that idea, in part at least. I am mostly focusing on technique and palette choices. So far I am either satisfied or learning something from the project. I think I need to return to my work on Non modeled drawing via the random word generator. I still have it. I started a variation of one with super hero names. I do seem to be into comic art so it seemed a good way to generate some work. I'll let you know. There is more to say but I have work to do. ttfn r.

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