Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Taxi and I dunno

I haven't been doing anything, artwise. No painting, no drawing, no doodling nor thinking about it. It feels kind of good. I do not feel the pressure of production or quality. This is not to say it won't come back but It is possible that being an artist or some such thing is just going to cause me grief. Maybe this is just a needed break but I can see the appeal of being one of those people who do not bother with such things. There is more time and it is easier to relax. Wow.
Don't get me wrong, this is not a big deal and i am not trying to name or define what is going on. I just felt the need to comment on the situation as it is so very obvious from this side of it all.

Now to contradict myself. Though this is not the next thing I'll do nor is it on deck but I'd like to do some scenes from "Taxi". I will not get into why I like this show but i really feel like there is a something to be said about the potential of this subject matter. Hopefully these pics speak for themselves. If not ask me about it. I dare you.

Additionally I am in another arthouse coop project. This one is a photo project with a disposable camera I am supposed to send back to them in a month or so. My theme is "27 days of...."
I am not sure what my plan is.

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