Monday, October 15, 2012

Blind to it

I am not feeling eloquent right this moment. Let me say what is on my mind. This is a painting I have been working on. There should be a reasonable way to finish it in a color/compositional sense. I am however not sure what choices are involved to get me there. r. P.S. The thought just occurred to me that there is a very big difference, in painting at least, in recognizing what the problem is and fixing it. I think that the ability to name the problem of short coming of a painting is actually much more difficult than to correct it. To darken something or balance the color is relatively easy, easier than saying that there is too much "weight" on the left and fixing that will make the painting sit better or seem less cockeyed (unless one is shooting for cockeyed which is a whole other matter). I feel I can reasonable offset an issue if I can name it but to identify the problem comes with less clarity.

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