Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Familiarity and Ease

This is from a note book I have had for at least a decade. They are sketches from a graphic story I was working on. I am showing these for two reasons. The first is I wanted something to show that was actually my art as opposed to a picture I took. The second was to talk about flow.
Flow: When I was doing these I was doing a lot of sketching and drawing for this story idea. You can see more here, here, here and here. It had gotten to the point where I could put pen/pencil to paper and the pictures would roll out. I knew the characters and the way they looked, I knew the scenery and the mood I was looking for so there was a great ease in drawing for the story. Additionally there was a qualitative difference in the work and not just quantity. I have some specific memory of being satisfied with many of the lay outs I was doing. There was a style and sense of continuity that ironically comes better from a lack of planning and forethought.
In the vein of my recent restrictions I have put on my art work, as mentioned the last few posts, this work is a great example of what I am shooting for. Much of what I was doing did not involve reference material. For better or worse I would just draw what I felt was needed. This is a great place to be in and feels amazing as you literally watch it happen This is much of what I would like to do or to be now. I hope to have something to show for this endeavor in the near future but not today.

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