Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So I have a few projects I am half heartedly working on. I am feeling lost as I have a lot of stuff I want to be doing but I cannot seem to dedicate myself to just one. This is an on going issue of course and one I do not expect to resolve anytime soon. I Need to figure out my lighting issues for taking snaps of paintings I have. This means just buying something, a light or lamp ot the right bulbs as well as taking the shots.

I also have thousands of used stamps that I think could be a project but have yet to get around to even sorting them. I usually envision them as part of a pixelized piece. I have not gotten much further than that in the thought process. I have been sitting on these for a while but I still feel they will be needed someday, even if not by myself.
I am still doing the comic thing (to a point). I am still in the simple study part. I think I need to do a painting in the genre and not just a sketch/drawing. I need some solid strides. I am all over the map with my thoughts on this. Right now my preference is to mimic the Joycian Odessy chapter plots as a story line. This of course is all in my head and no where written or even verbalized. This does not even take into account my not using proper ink and inking methods. Which is something I have an itch for
Of course i am still painting and have just started a couple. A gowanus scene and something called "the riddle". I need to paint deliberately and judiciously. these have not been strengths of mine of late.

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