I am posting today, not because I want to or feel I should, though I do, but because I should be doing something else all together. Anyhow, I have been feeling the itch to draw, or at least doodle. When I say draw I mean any form of illustration but drawing is usually my MO. When I scanned in these pics I had a whole spiel on the difference in drawing when I am drawing often and when I am not. I think also that I had some thoughts on how some of the rougher sketches or layouts strike me as better than any intentful work. I am not sure why this is exactly but it seems to be a regular thing. I should say that everything I post picturewise isn't entirely in these catagories but they to varying degrees tend to be works not from reference but more free form ideas or something I have a sense of enough to not need anything to look at(mostly).
A lot of these are characters. I was looking for something and happened to see a post from about one year ago if you are curious.
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