Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mice and Men

I often have ideas and intentions of blogging here. At least of late I clearly do not. Though I include a picture today I am going to write about a different idea (than what the picture alludes to or indicates). Firstly the picture. There is the precolored version of the in the previous post. Like I said this picture has no direct connection to what I wanted to say.
As I have enjoyed more directed posts, or perhaps posts with more text such as this, I had an inkling to do something similar. The working title would be "why did I take this picture?". As you may or may not know I take pictures (or have taken) of things I think would translate into a reasonable painting. Some thing with some point of interest. To be clear I mean pictures I have taken to use as a model or a reference as opposed to pictures I have taken from the internet (or a magazine or a postcard or a book) to use as a model or as reference. Often as I go through these picture, usually looking for something else, I sometimes stop and wonder what it was I was trying to capture in that photo. With that in mind I thought a series of posts could be done to compare such a photo with a sketch of the piece or idea it was meant to capture. It is often the case that the "punctum" I saw with my eye is not there in the photo but perhaps the intention is clear enough that it would translte into a drawing. I promise nothing at this time but I can hope to get this rolling and get a few posts up before I get distracted from posting at all. Ciao RGC

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