Thursday, March 5, 2009

2 Years

It has been almost two years since I've (re)started this blog. Since I seem to have the bad habit of starting various projects and not finishing them I thought I'd revisit these projects by looking at some of these posts and writing on the art and looking back at what has gone on with the project and what can be done with it.
In a bit of alpha/omega dynamic I am posting the latest project called either Kama Monstra or Monstra Sutra, I'm not sure yet.

Perhaps I should write about the project as I said I would the others.
These, I hope obviously, are are based on the Kama Sutra. I simply thought it'd be fun to juxtapose these positions with (my pet favorite) giant monster movies. The advantage is there is a collection of position and monsters to choose from. I had hoped to better capture the purer style of the KS but this was just a start and didn't turn out too too badly.
I wanted something that would lend itself to line drawing and low chroma washes, something that looks good as a work on paper. It also allows me to look for a whimsical quality that eludes me so well.

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