Thursday, January 2, 2014


Though there are many points of view and agendas, I feel it is a reasonably safe bet that any visual artist is looking for a certain lyricism to their work/compositions. That same lyricism is not so easily quantified but obvious when absent and to a separate degree obvious when present. I have certainly strive to capture a poetry of form in various works of my own. Perhaps a case in point is here. I often see some grouping or arrangement of things when I am about my day that has some interest for me as an example of lyricism. A cluster of roofs whose contours I find pleasing to the eye is a prime example.

The pictures here might better exemplify this if cropped differently but I feel there is a scene in them that can be put on canvas with strong results. This is likely not news to anyone who thought about it but I was reminded of this somehow and someway recently and I wanted to post about something other than Taxi paintings. cheerio r.

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