Thursday, October 10, 2013

Paint Added

Here I am again. I am at the point where having added the initial paint to a painting I like the way it looks now. That the next few additions will detract from the painting as it is now. This can be looked at in at least two ways. The first being that I lose the painting, or the vision of the painting, as I add more paint. There is likely ways around this but I cannot honestly say that I paint enough to have control of this. Perhaps this can be rectified here and now. Obviously painting more is the logical solution (if this is a problem). Then again some forethought might be enough. The point being, put the right paint in the right place in the right way the painting will maintain its current desirability.
A second idea is to accept that the painting process is a destructive process. That the picture as it is now is not much a painting as a drawing. If I wanted a drawing I would make a drawing, and that as the painting grows, as the actual act of painting occurs so goes the drawing beneath the painting. So simply accept that the act of painting is the goal and by nature it will be far afield from what it looks like now.

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