Saturday, October 26, 2013

Automobile Self Referentially part II

In the previous post I commented on the ubiquity of cars and the like in the world. How can one do an honest land/cityscape these days without some sort of vehicles in them? Don't get me started on the soundscape we live in.

However, good or bad, the automobile and its family allow great opportunity for painters and other artists. An easy example is the form itself. This can be its own landscape. Rolling and rounded corners, the intersection of planes creating their own dialogue outside of setting and the way the light accentuates those said same shapes are delicious fodder in any celebration of form. Color, texture and even personality come into play with all things and that includes the auto. Realism and whimsy are wide avenues in this subject matter.
For myself there is a struggle to "get" the car or truck into useful condition. This might simply mean I need to use a straight edge when drawing or painting. It might mean that I forget to celebrate the form of the subject when I am painting it, not seeing the forest through the trees as it were. On a similar note I might not be fully understanding what I am looking at when I try and capture the subject in question. There are a lot of crazy contours in even the boxiest of rides.
I sometimes dream of a more idyllic setting that has no evidence of cars. However to live and to paint one cannot close their eyes they must open them.

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