Thursday, September 12, 2013


I was going through some pictures looking for something to post. I came across this painting. It is something I decided wasn't working and now I am am unsure what I did with it. Despite the fact I remember being very unsatisfied with the painting originally, when I saw it again I was thinking it wasn't so bad. I became nostalgic for the piece. Was it because I was looking at in postage stamp size icon form or was it better than I remembered it was?
I have often gone through phases and openly espoused of letting work go. Certainly there have been plenty of life events where there was no reasonable way to hang on to the things I truly didn't need. In regards to this post and as I write this I would like very much to see everything, to reacquaint myself with my work long gone and even forgotten. This is a mugs dream but the feeling is there. I do not know what the walk away lesson of this is, if you see it let me know. I do have a pic of something "found" again for the next post.

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