I have started some new paintings, on proper canvases no less, as opposed to canvas board. Now I just need to paint them. I am having some difficulty getting into the "zone". I need to just paint, use the paint make picture without thinking too much about it or the outcome. As I am sure I have mentioned I feel too restricted in my painting. I just need to do the equivalent of doodle I think. Not that i do that so well these days. How is that a lost art form?
Last week's Doctor Who episode feature Vincent van Gough. Now I have that bee buzzing in my brain making me feel lazy and uninspired. What are all these blocks about.!!!!!???
Thought I should post so I did.
I am going to have Keith make some panels for, in my case, phototransfers, but there should be something for you to experiment with as well.
Sadly it isn't the materials so much as the act.
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