For those of you looking to e-mail me and do not wish to deal with the blogspot site, I am at .
Please feel free to e-mail me at anytime. I am always happy to get mail.
The pics below are Batman series I am working on. They are in varying degrees of completion. They are all oils on canvas board if you care about those things.
If you are new to this site (and you probably are) the following are some earlier post of some of the work I do/have done.
These are from the No trace show, Thanks Jadd, Julie and the other artist whose work you should definitely check out.
It occurs to me now that the City of Rust could have fulfilled the eco-art theme of this evening.
I really enjoyed this Green Glass project and would love to do more someday.
I'm still trying to get my head around this project idea.
The Kama Monstra is totally on my list of this to work on.
I have no idea why I haven't been using the Face Book Graffiti application.
There is more as this blog goes back to August of 2007 and I've been messing around for decades now. Please feel free to look through the older post, some of them might even be worth the effort. Otherwise I will hope to make this all more accessible at this site or another. Hopefully there will be plenty of new work to look at.
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