So I was inspired to do something, or so tired of being me I decided to leave my comfort zone and work in public.
The Prospect Park Glass was the first (and only other) one of these. As always my apologies to Andrew Goldsworthy.
It is clearly different in its execution than the green line done today. I think though that today was better done, it was certainly more work. I do not expect it to last ( it isn't meant to), the first one didn't last an hour, but part of me hopes someone notices.
With that said I was somewhat disturbed by something today. I am used to being unnoticed and invisible so the fact that most people didn't make eye contact with me is fine. Of the few people who spoke or otherwise acknowledged my existence about half of them made the same joke. Keep in mind this project involved me scrabbling in the gravel for glass. It is meant to be site specific in that nothing was added or taken away only rearranged.
The joke was "find any diamonds/gold?" The disturbing part is that that was no real curiosity in my actions, just a filter of a capitalistic mind set. Surely what you are doing is only legitimate if it is in pursuit of money, not even work but a way to circumvent work. This pseudo sidewalk of gravel could never hide anything of value, nothing to see here. Of course maybe that is the whole point of doing what i did. For me the process it cathartic and rewarding but the hope is that some sees this and appreciates what is literally right in front of them, right under their feet. Isn't that the function of art, To open eyes, change perspective just slightly to see more or differently? To ask what is valuable, what is treasure? Maybe my standards are too high. For everyone else's sake I hope not.
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