Thursday, April 2, 2009

what to do?

Here is another piece using the computer. Still not what I am looking for. Maybe I should except it for what it is. I just don't like the look, the lack of line work. I fear I am just lazy and it is just easier to use the computer. There is a lack of...what? Style, poetry, something that comes from or with hand drawn picture work. I think I might need to do a bunch of work on paper to get the right sense of what I am looking for and then try to recapture it.. Or maybe not.
Tomorrow, or rather today is Thursday and my day off. I have a bunch of stuff I intend to work on. Works on paper (cardboard) with the oil pastels. Maybe I can find room to experiment or work on this idea. we'll see.

This on is a redo of a pic that can be seen here. I feel that it was one of those situations where focusing on the smaller detail (larger too) made an improvement.

this one is just more work on the one above. I feel that the composition is stronger and there is some extension of visual narrative.

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