Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I cannot say I have been as productive or productive in the way i wanted to be since I've been here, about two months I guess.
I have done some work though. A lot of it is here in this post. I really hope to get grounded soon (in Seatttle) and really get some stuff going.
As mentioned previously I was trying to work in watercolor mostly. It worked out okay but I never set myself up properly. That is to say I do not think I have gone into it as far as I could.
Obviously many of these pics are from incomplete works, There is stuff though that I thought I'd liked to explore more, e.g. the over pass shot, the pink and black one. I thought it started out well, nice mood well weighted composition. I need to explore it more. I think what worked was the way i started the painting, i am beginning to think it might be the most important part of a painting, especially watercolors.

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