Right now I don't have a lot of legitimate time for art. I suppose I could make it if I budgeted my time differently but right now while typing this post I am supposed to be doing something else. It might actually be to my benefit to work this way. I have often found I am the most productive when I am supposed to be doing something else altogether.
I suppose the title of this post is somewhat provocative. It is simply the reference to my wanting things back, to looking at days and events gone by. I say this under the umbrella of artwork. I see some old piece I no longer have and I want to go back and work on it some more. The painting that is just a blue undercoat is an example of this. I suppose I could start it again but in truth I am in a different time and place and could never recapture what I was thinking and doing then. Inversely the picture of the face with animals on it I still have but never understood why I thought such a thing was a good idea. That is not entirely true, I can come up with a reason now why it may be worth it. The end result not withstanding.
As you may know I muse alot about what I am not doing or what I should be doing and this post is yet to be any different. If no one takes me up on my "SIX" offer I will perhaps follow through on earlier threats to redo works and ideas. I sure as heck couldn't hurt.
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