Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hello Again

I have been signing up for various projects at the art house coop. the latest one, which just went into the mail, is the map project . I recommend checking them out and participating if you can. I have done a couple before and have a few in process. What I wanted to mention today was that I did not document this "map" and have already sent it on its way. I may never see it again. I am okay with this. However it is worth the thought to ask whether or not I should be diligent in having a copy of all work I do. I can see the advantage but at the same time I choose not to prioritize such a thing.
I am happy and excited to be part of a larger venue and the reasons for this far out weigh the need to keep some aspect of the work for myself. I am sure it could be argued that they are not mutually exclusive issues. The ability of letting go of something one has created both literally and metaphorically is necessary and important. Though I often forget and give into the temptation the product is seldom the important part of the art process. I will not deny it is useful and easy to feel good about a job well done but in truth the value is actually in the work you are doing (or not doing) at the very moment. When a piece is done it is the next piece or rather the work towards that piece that is important.
Additionally there are moments in the process that one has to choose to lose what has been already done to move forward. This may not always be the right decision but often you must let go of something you like or are proud of to get to the next step. In this way too we must learn to let go of the physical object.
It is not unheard of that one sells a piece of art work. At that point it belongs to the person who bought it. It belongs to someone other than yourself. yes it is useful to have record of your work but in truth one should work continuously and not have too much trouble replacing examples of their style and ideas.
I am sure that there is much I can say about purity of art and the like but i will spare you. If someone asks I wll expound. Good to see you again.

1 comment:

jel said...

I didn't document mine either ....

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