Friday, April 16, 2010

Mostly the same

I've done a few works on cardboard since I last wrote. I have mixed feelings about them. Silly stuff like the Kahlo looks wrong, too young or just incorrect somehow. At least I am doing work so I can't really complain.

Otherwise I had hoped to write more about the painting style/ brush work I spoke of last time. I do not think that there is a view of this in the two pics I posted. I felt i needed to post so this'll stay up until I get better things on.

I have a life long relationship with comicbooks and comic art. This is likely noticeable in the themes of some of my work. This is off topic. I was messing with an old sketch book and paint. Long story short I painted a silly little sketch with not too unpleasant results. The notable aspect is it is a departure for me in the sense that I managed to not use photo references. Not that it is so very bad to do so but I often feel locked in by this habit. So it was a good feeling to something relatively original.

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