Sunday, November 30, 2008

Colored Pencil

Obviously this is still in progress.
I am enjoying using the pencils. I like the rang and how they handle. I feel guilty when I use pre-made colors like with pencils or the such but I guess there is enough layering and blending it is okay to say I am creating the colors.

Size is am important aspect of media. It isn't impossible to do larger works with pencils but it would be a questionable choice and certainly have ramifications in the technique and feel of the piece. I do like they "hand held" size of smaller work and it allows for a lot of stuff that would otherwise not be an option. Since I have been doing a lot of note book work of late I have fallen back into the size range. I will need to be careful to not fall into any traps and to remember that some things need a "translation" when the size changes.

It is fair to say I am just doing this for fun. I am not thinking too much about my goals or the process needed to get there. This may be okay but I need to make this a choice and not the default. Example of what i am talking about would be palette, style, finding those things that create the strongest composition. Should a nose be outlined in dark, light or some third choice. Does the background need more detail or less, am I paying attention to light and its effects? It is possible that I am thinking and answering these questions while I work but that does not mean I cannot be more critical of how I am going about it.


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