Tuesday, June 24, 2008

what to do?

i am about to finish a suite ( with possibly another one or two paintings as i have stretched canvases ready). It can be seen here at reino paintings.  I hope these and the Nocturnes as well as the random other painting will be enough for a functioning portfolio and a subsequent CD. The idea is that when it is done I might try some other media. Specifically water color or washes, and/or colored pencil. i work in pastel and charcoal still but I am looking for something, style and mood wise. i am not sure what. i look at a lot of random stuff. Some of these are book marked on my computer. These are they: James jean, Daily Monster , Drew Falchetta , Natalia Fabia, I knew this guy at UMass, Joe Schmalke
I can't say these are more special than others I have seen. They are just example of what I have been looking at. you can include many other things to that list, Norman Rockwell, Frida Kahlo, Modesty Blaise comics, Robert Crumb, Various art books from the brooklyn public library,and  tons of campy b-movies to name a few. 
Wish me luck.

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